10 Incredibly Strange Brain Disorders

As humans we are very dependent on our brains, and whatever our brain perform is made up of a lot of succeeding  intellectual steps, and if it happens that a step of it fails, you are surely to behave differently. Following are the different kinds of strange brain diseases.

10. Astasia-Abasia

It is also known as Blocq's Disease that is after Paul Blocq, the French doctor who initially illustrated it. It's the incapacity to walk or stand appropriately, but there's a lot to it. Initially, an individual with this state becomes very drunk. Individual seems unsafe to themselves. They overbalance lavishly, always contagious to themselves at the peak moment. But that's the real state and they usually grab and never hurt themselves. They only fall when a surgeon, a beloved, or a soft space on the base is obtainable. Usually this condition is in reply to stress.

9. Anosognia

It arises in union with other damages, normally blindness and strokes. Individual who have vanishes the capability to manage a half of their body will state that they just don't want to shift that piece of their body. They'll tell that the other half of the body is working naturally. When doctors illustrates that it is not really working, they'll utter that the body piece that the doctors are telling to is fitted to someone else. Usually patients are telling things based on their memories and from sounds that surrounds them.

8. Broca's Aphasia

Patients here are capable of writing, reading, listening and understanding people, and are capable of talking - but not capable of forming logical words. Some patients are capable of saying about four words, but most fail their capability to tell what they wanted. A sample case was a person repeatedly said "Tono, tono, tono," to each question being asked to him.

7. Palinopsia

It is not in fact a medical illness. It's just the subsequent picture that most individual view just after they look apart from bright things. Approximately, everyone analysing this has been knowledgeable about it. Occasionally, it stays a bit longer and that is already a medical disorder. No one is certain about what cause this disease, but lacerations and side effects of medication on the brain are usually the reason.

6. Dysmimia or Amimia

Dismimia is an odd precise condition. There's no means of being aware what causes it, but it hinders the patient from comprehending hand signals and gestures. Like gestures of sit, stop and wait are abruptly inconceivable. These signs are lost even if the individual formerly knew its meaning.

5. Verbal Dysdecorum

This condition was initially examined in a Vietnam veteran who verified precisely what occurs when you don't always cut yourself at a task. You get fired repeatedly until at last someone brings you to a doctor. The right front area of the brain has something inside that permits individual to think their words and silently keep the socially uncooperative side. Other damage to this part of the brain had triggered similar responses.

4. Dysantigraphia

The question has stayed for years, when individual write and read: Do they link sounds with words and letters, or do they connect symbols with words and letters? Like, when I mark the word 'cat,' do I link it with the sound to a symbols or a picture to a sound, and then write the symbols, do I interpret them straight to their meaning? That brief widen of time gave doctors an attractive window into what happens on in the brain during writing time.

3. Amelodia

 At the hospital there is a patient that had no hearing trouble and that from a guitar he could play a lot of tunes from memory, that he can state the variations between lower and higher pitched notes, and that he can simply tell the distinction between discordant notes. He just cannot identify any tune played to him, no matter how basic and popular the tune was. The capability to audibly identify a tune, and only the melody was gone. This condition is once tackled in an episode of Grey's Anatomy TV show. 

2. Anhedonia

This happens when injuries to the globus pallidus lock off the reward scheme completely. Usually this is observed in improving those drug addicts especially the meth users. Sometimes the strokes can also harm the globus pallidus. Anhedonia doesn't need to be a 'global' answer, cutting out all happiness. It can take pleasures away from individual.

1. Jargonaphasia

It refers to a patient that lost the capability to create words completely, and only says a string of sounds that don’t appear like words at all. Some patients utter words, but with no any sentence grammar or structure to give them sense. The final acceptance of the term is the most attractive. Patients can be said to be enduring from jargonaphasia when they continually use cliches, platitudes, and pleasantries to hide the details that they're saying nothing at all.